Financial Support

1. Tuition Exemption and Reduction Schemes

Free and Reduced Tuition Fees Under New Higher Education Assistance Scheme

SHOKEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY has been selected as an institution covered by the Japanese Government’s New Higher Education Assistance Scheme. Eligibility for free or reduced tuition from the government generally requires that application for a grant scholarship be lodged with the Japan Students Service Organization (JASSO). Students who wish to apply for free or reduced tuition should attend the briefing held on campus during the orientation period in spring each year.

SGU’s Own Tuition Exemption and Reduction Schemes

Open to students who would otherwise find it difficult to attend university for financial reasons, these schemes aim to help such students to continue their studies by exempting or reducing their tuition fees.

2. Scholarship Program

Various scholarship programs are available for students who would otherwise find it difficult to attend university for financial reasons. SGU also offers a variety of scholarship programs. For scholarships offered by local governments, inquire at the Board of Education of your own home region.

SGU’s Scholarship Program

  1. Scholarship Loans
  2. Scholarship Loan for Overseas Program
  3. Grant Scholarship for International Students

Scholarships from Other Organizations

  • Scholarships from Other Private-Sector Foundations

3. Student Loans

Student loans are one option for mitigating the financial burden on families.

National Government Loans

These loans are handled by the Japan Finance Corporation’s Micro Business and Individual Unit. Loans are provided for university admission fees, tuition fees, and other fees payable to the university, residential expenses, transport costs needed to travel to and from university, and other funds needed to enter and remain at university.

Orico Partnership Plan

Orient Corporation (Orico) provides partnership student loans as a student support scheme. This is a scheme that pays the fees payable to the partner university, such as admission fees and tuition fees, directly to the university on the student’s behalf with a simple application process.